They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the images above and below are quite impressive. They compare the rate of autism over time compared to the rate of breastfeeding over time: Over the past 4 decades, there has been a shocking rise in the prevalence of autism. Antivax activists have pointed out […]
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Dear AAP, Fuck Normative Standards!
Breastfeeding is the “normative standard.” So says the American Academy of Pediatrics in a new paper entitled Breastfeeding and The Uses of Human Milk. You know what else is the “normative standard”? Right-handedness. Heterosexuality. Genotype determining gender. Here’s what I say: fuck normative standards! Why does the AAP give moral authority to nature when it […]

Racism is unlikely to be the cause of the Black maternal mortality crisis
Everyone “knows” that the Black maternal mortality crisis is due to racism. According to Ms. Magazine: Maternal mortality is one of the most compelling indicators that America runs on racism. Here’s what we need to do to overcome this legacy and current reality. WGBH Boston reported: Despite all the modern advances in medical care, pregnancy […]

Hundreds of babies are dead and UK midwives feel sorry for … THEMSELVES
The recently released Ockenden Report could not have been clearer. UK midwives bear responsibility for literally hundreds of newborn and maternal deaths and injuries. The report faulted a culture of “normal birth” at all costs and a refusal to both investigate and learn from mistakes. In case you doubted the Report, we now have the […]

Thinking about homebirth? Willing to leave your children motherless?
Perhaps you want a homebirth enough to be willing to risk your baby’s life. But have you considered the potential impact on your older children and the baby of leaving them motherless? Neither did the mothers of these 25 children who experienced the ultimate catastrophe, all because their mothers wanted a specific birth experience. – […]

A mother who refuses medical assistance for birth isn’t recapitulating nature; she’s defying it!
Another day, another homebirth death. A Perth newborn has died after an at-home birth with only a doula to support the mother ended in tragedy. The girl was born Saturday about 3am inside a Wattle Grove home, however she became stuck during labour and wasn’t breathing when she arrived. …[T]he father of the child began […]

The freebirth delusion: how the selfish convince themselves they are selfless
Freebirthers are often delusional. According to, delusional means: characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument. Their delusions include: The ahistorical delusion that childbirth in nature was often unassisted. In reality midwives exist in EVERY time, place and culture. The bizarre delusion that childbirth is inherently […]

Lactivists and the Fatal Sleep Five
Why do breastfeeding advocates continue to put their precious babies’ lives at risk by bed-sharing? Why do they ignore the fact that 9 out of 10 SIDS deaths could be prevented if bed-sharing were eliminated? Why do they dismiss the scientific data and the exhortations of pediatricians in favor of anthropology nonsense like “The Safe […]

The Supreme Court is Making Hypocrisy Great Again!
In the wake of a leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion that seeks to eviscerate abortion rights, it’s worth asking: Is there anything more hypocritical than a reactionary Republican Party — that revels in cruelty and violence against its perceived enemies — claiming that their opposition to abortion rights stems from a respect for […]

Do Kegel exercises work? It depends.
Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor are widely recommended as a panacea as well as a preventive for female pelvic organ prolapse and or incontinence. What are kegel exercises? They are basically just repeated clenching of the muscles of the pelvic floor (the same muscles you use to stop the flow of urine in […]