It could be the motto of Andrew Wakefield and other anti-vax medical professionals: Chaos is a ladder. It’s one of the most memorable of the many memorable Game of Thrones quotes, first uttered by Littlefinger, Lord Petyr Baelish, in a conversation with Varys (season 3, episode 6). [pullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Anti-vaxxers continue to […]
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Head of the UK National Childbirth Trust resigns, allegedly over being forced to stop bullying
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Anti-vax: how bacteria and viruses get humans to advance their interests
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Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play recalled for 32 infant deaths; hospital skin to skin care kills more babies each year
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The cruelest lactivist lie has been exploded: breastfeeding does NOT promote bonding
Most lies are cruel, depriving people of information they need. Lies about breastfeeding are particularly cruel because they are used to shame women and often harm babies. But the cruelest lactivist lie has just been debunked: breastfeeding does NOT promote bonding! That’s not what the authors of Mother-infant bonding is not associated with feeding type: […]

Anti-vax motto: Don’t be Happy, Worry!
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Here’s the problem with lactivist claims about Fed Is Best: they miss the forest for the trees.
Lactation consultant Wendy Wisner has written a piece for Scary Mommy criticizing the Fed Is Best movement. The piece is instructive, but not in the way she intended. Wisner demonstrates that lactation consultants continue to miss the forest for the trees. The forest is a set of deeply disturbing statistics about the harms of aggressive […]

Breastfeeding, medicalization and the pernicious rise of quasi-science
How can we explain the unmerited veneration of breastfeeding in contemporary society? The predicted benefits of raising breastfeeding rates have failed to appear; tens of thousands of infants are harmed each year; and breastfeeding promotion hasn’t saved money, only wasted it. Nonetheless breastfeeding is still promoted aggressively. [pullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Like the […]

Midwives and lactation professionals, stop abusing women and calling it empowerment
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Another way to kill a baby through breastfeeding promotion
Breastfeeding promotion has a death toll and it’s likely to be substantial. As breastfeeding promotion has become ever more aggressive, babies have been dying from dehydration, hypoglycemia, severe jaundice, failure to thrive and starvation. As lactation professionals have embraced mandated skin-to-skin care and mandated rooming in of babies and mothers, babies have been dying from […]