more than 20 preventable homebirth deaths in 2 years has inadvertently become one of the best places to do learn about the deadly consequences of homebirth. Babies of MDC mothers routinely die preventable deaths at homebirth, and the moderators routinely remove any discussions about safety in connection with these deaths.

In other words, they attempt to sweep the dead babies under the rug, but for a two year period, I kept track of the homebirth deaths to determine just how frequent they are. In the years 2007-2008, there were more than 20 preventable homebirth deaths on Mothering. com, as well as additional cases of anoxic brain damage. Keep in mind that these are the cases that were reported; there may have been more.

Preventable homebirth deaths on MDC 2007:

1. breech, nuchal arms (arms trapped behind head), brain dead, ventilator disconnected

2. shoulder dystocia, profound brain damage

3. unanticipated anoxic brain damage sustained during labor

4. normal labor, baby dead at birth

5. decelerations during attempted home VBAC, transfer to hospital, uterine rupture, baby dead, massive hemorrhage, hysterectomy

6. postdates, severe meconium aspiration

7. normal labor, baby dead at birth

8. post dates, baby dead at birth

9. unanticipated severe birth asphyxia

10. prolonged ruptured membranes, overwhelming infection

Preventable homebirth deaths on MDC in 2008:

11. normal labor, baby dead at birth

12. normal labor, baby dead at birth

13. normal labor, baby dead at birth

14. attempted VBA2C, baby dead at birth

15. unanticipated severe birth asphyxia

16. mother rejected medical care, stillbirth

17. shoulder dystocia

18. transferred for pain relief, severe birth asphyxia

19. cord prolapse

20. normal labor, baby dead at birth

21. abnormal cord vessels, baby hemorrhaged

Sadly, this is what happens when you trust birth.